about Esme


I was born in Italy, on the 12th of October 1997 after twelve hours of exhausting labour. My mother told me that there was a double rainbow in the sky that day. Her arms would be my home for the upcoming two years, across the Atlantic ocean in between our family home in Argentina and Europe. 

For our family traveling did not seem to be an option but simply what we did, and as my sisters arrived my mother told us the camper was our home on wheels. Between my South American mother, who moved to Europe following her love for art, and my Italian father who lived for adventure, I grew up with a not very mysterious necessity to move around. I was not yet sixteen when I packed my things and moved to the north of Italy on my own to attend Waldorf higher education. I traveled more and my love for the culinary world started blossoming, through summer jobs and school internships. As high school finished I moved to Venice, and attended a one year professional culinary vegan school while working in a kindergarten as a chef. 

Then, on a very cold New Year’s Eve I left for London where to my own surprise I ended up staying for two full years working as a chef in a wonderful vegan restaurant. Indeed, London felt like a big step to me. At Wild Food Cafè I started from a low position and worked my way up, alongside a fantastic team that became my family and home in the chaos of the city. During those two years my curiosity for food and interest in nutrition kept growing as I dived into raw foods, wild ingredients, the art of foraging and the creativity of zero waste cooking.

After two years in London in this ever changing world, I took a passing opportunity and moved to Ireland to start my journey as a baker. There I worked for Steve and Dave of The Happy Pear, learning everything I could about sourdough, sweet, and savory.

The world is changing and I want to change with it, to become part of a new community of human beings that wants to thrive and live in abundance on this earth. I hope to be and to do something meaningful in this life. Not to be recognised by many but to be able to impact and help truly a few.  So, if you want to, you are invited to jump on the train, plane, or just walk with me and see where life will bring me. In the mean while I will share here my journey through plant based food, which I hope you’ll make and enjoy with other humans.

Private cheffing in Portugal.

Wilf Food Cafe in London.

The bakery in The Happy Pear.


The Happy Pear. Ireland.